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Favorite  theatre experiecnces 2022
Reviews, Theatre EM Reiter Reviews, Theatre EM Reiter

Favorite theatre experiecnces 2022

Here is a list of some of my favorite theatre experiences in San Diego in 2022! This is by no means a complete list of everything that was excellent in this past year, but now we get to turn towards 2023 and all of the fantastic theatre that is sure to come our way.

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Reviews, Theatre Reviews, Theatre


What is funny, with a charming and talented cast, and has many moments that will make you laugh?  The musical FIRST DATE now playing at OnStage Playhouse through November 6th.

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Reviews, Theatre Reviews, Theatre

The high cost of ADMISSIONS

ADMISSIONS, now playing at OnStage Playhouse through Feb 27th looks at the hype and hypocrisy of the American education system and the smug, well-meaning, and wealthy liberals that promote diversity but not at a personal cost.  This deliberately provocative play is performed by a strong cast and is funny, intriguing, and infuriating.

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Reviews, Theatre Reviews, Theatre


SHEEPDOG is part mystery, part love story, and part current event discussion SHEEPDOG is a compellinglook at current events now playing at OnStage Playhouse through June 27th

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