Mischief and mayhem are always a solid base for a comedy, andTWELFTH NIGHT at The Old Globe through November 10th offers plentyof laughs, with a side helping of lords and ladies looking for love that makesfor a very enjoyable night at the theatre.

The cast of Twelfth Night. Photo by Daren Scott.

Meanwhile, in the realm of the lords and ladies, Viola (Bibi Mama)finds herself shipwrecked on the island of Illyria, and become separated fromher twin brother Sebastian (Ramon Burris). Olivia dons a disguise as a boy named Cesario (as you do) and becomes apage in the service of Orsino, the Duke (Claire Simba).

(from left) Hallie Peterson as Olivia and Bibi Mama as Viola. Photo by Daren Scott

Orsino is in love with Olivia (Hallie Peterson), but Oliviais in mourning for her father and brother, and proving to be more resistant toOrsino’s wooing than was anticipated. Orsino send Viola as Cesario to Olivia’s to deliver love letters.  One thing leads to another and next thing youknow Olivia is in love with Cesario (aka Viola), Viola is in love with Orsino.  Add in some mistaken identities whenSebastian arrives in Illyria, and well you now the saying about the course oftrue love never running smooth.

(from left) Christopher Cruz as Sebastian and Mason Conrad as Sir Andrew Aguecheek. Twelfth NightPhoto by Daren Scott.

Mostly, the credit of this comedic mischief (or the blame dependingon how you look at it) are the trio of Sir Toby Belch (Christopher Cruz),Sir Andrew Aguecheek (Mason Conrad), and Feste the fool (Summer Broyhill).  Technically, they are all part of the householdof the grieving Olivia. There is a running feud between Belch and Olivia’s stewardMalvolio (Marco Antonio Vega) and this trio come up with an idea to makehim think Olivia is secretly in love with him.

Marco Antonio Vega as Malvolio and Klarissa Marie Robles as Maria. Twelfth NightPhoto by Daren Scott.

Olivia’s maid Maria (Klarissa Marie Robles) joins in on thefun by writing a love letter from Olivia for Malvolio to find and promptlybelieves.  Much to the amusement of thetrio and the audience Malvolio starts to change his behavior and appearance tobetter embody the traits that were praised in this fictional letter to muchhilarity.

Cruz and Conrad are very funny as Belch and Aguecheek,while Broyhill delivers not just jokes but some lovely musical moments aswell. 

Vega, as Malvolio is comical as the pompous servantbut equally effecting when the end comes and everyone else gets their happilyever after and he does not.

Mama, Peterson, and Simba, all have strong scenestogether have some strong scenes as Viola, and Orsino.

A part of The Old Globe and University of San Diego Shiley Graduate Theatre Program TWELFTHNIGHT showcases these talented and funny performers.

TWELFTH NIGHT is playing through November 10th at TheOld Globe. For show time and ticket information go to




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