MATILDA brings magic and mischief

Much like the book Matildaby Roald Dah, the musical of the same name depends upon the talents, moxie, andsass of a small girl.  Luckily, MATILDA themusical now playing at Moonlight Amphitheatre through August 3rd hasa very talented lead actress named Charity Rose, along with an incredibly talentedcast, to bring this story to life on stage.

Photo Credit:  Moonlight Ampitheatre by ADRIANA ZUNIGA

Matilda (Charity Rose) is a prodigy child born into a family ofcolorful, loud, and impossibly self-absorbed parents Mr. & Mrs. Wormwood (KevinHafso-Koppman and Kristina Miller-Weston). Unlike the children who open theshow with their songs about being their parents ”miracle” Matilda finds herselfbeing berated when she brings home books from the library, learning languages,and consistently dismissed as ‘boy” by her father.

Hopeful things will improve when she goes to school, Matilda is greeted by her gentle and caring teacher Miss Honey (Ashley Fox Linton), and then to the formidable and scary school headmistress Miss Trunchbull (Randall Hickman).

Photo Credit:  Moonlight Ampitheatre by ADRIANA ZUNIGA

Yes, it sounds a bit dark, but Dahl’s stories never shied awayfrom some darkness to let the kids in them shine.  Dealing with bullies, whether they are athome or at school, is a challenge, and one that Matilda and her friends are morethan happy to face head on and triumph over.  This musical is no different and allows thetalented kids in the cast to command the spotlight as band together inmischief, and magic to win the day.

Rose is very spunky and has a lovely voice, balancing the lines, choreography,songs, and the accent proving she’s as talented and clever as the title charactershe plays.  Hafso-Koppman and MillerWeston shine as the cartoonish comedic parents to Matilda, and Linton is assweet as her character’s name, Miss Honey. Hickman brings plenty of intimidation and an undercurrent of ridiculousnessto the role of Trunchbull.

Standouts in the kids ensemble include Isabella Pruter, Alexander Ikizyan, and Holland Hartpence.

Shout out to Vanessa Dinning the Dialect coach for getting the entire cast to sound natural with the accent work the show calls for as well!

The musical is layered with catchy tunes and clever lyrics “It seems that there are millions of theseone-in-a-millions these days” by Tim Minchin and is enhanced by equally cleverchoreography by Colleen Kollar Smith. The set by Stephen Gifford is fun andfunctional, transitioning from libraries to school yards and chalkboards withease.

MATILDA is a fun and mischievous musical thatproves that kindness and cleverness can overcome, and a powerful reminder that “nobodybut me can change my story.”  Playing throughAugust 3rd, this is one musical that is magic for kids and parentsalike.

MATILDA at Moonlight Ampitheatre is playingthrough August 3rd, for ticket and show time information got o


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